Doctor's can't see 2 kids on 1 co-pay, the co-pay is per person, per visit. They bill you the co-pay, and bill the insurance for balance of the visit. If they don't charge you the co-pay, they are bascially not getting paid the total for their visit. Would you go to McDonald's and ask them for 2 happy meals but say you only wanted to pay for one? The only thing I know of is sometimes when 1 child needs a re-check for something like an ear infection. For instance, if child #1 had an ear infection, and 2 weeks later you happen to be in with child #2, sometimes they will look child #1's ears to make sure they are clear without charging you anything. Or if you are in with child #1 for say a well visit, but you have child #2 with you b/c child #2 said he wasn't feeling well, they may look at child #2 without charging you, however, if there is something wrong (they find that child #2 has an ear infection), they will get the chart, write it down, and charge you. I hope that makes since. Doctors charge a lot, but they also have the expertise that we don't have. In addition, they already have to make agreements with the insurance companies as to how much they will accept as payment for everything under the sun. I know it's frustrating, but they derseve their pay as much as you deserve your pay for your job. I can tell you that our insurance does not have a co-pay, at least until after a certain limit. It's called Blue Cross/Blue Shield Lumenos. I don't know if your company offers it, but I think we save money all around with this plan.