I'm not sure this is a "learning disability issue" rather than just not wanting to do it. No kid wants to learn to be potty trained. AND boys just sometimes take longer to do things than girls. My neighbor has twin 5 year old boys and had issues with potty training long after my 5 year old had it "under control" (seemingly).
Keep the potty chair around...he should eventually show signs of interest. When he's ready - use the "potty first" system. Anything he wants if fine, as long as he potty's first. We found that that serves as better incentive than any sort of reward system that we could think of because whatever it is they want becomes the reward. If he wants a drink - okay, potty first. If he wants to watch a movie, okay potty first.
Kids don't want to take time out from whatever they're doing to go potty. Going potty isn't fun, and there's really nothing you can do to make it fun. Typically when they come to you asking for stuff it's because the position they were sitting in suddenly became so uncomfortable that it forced them to get up and move to go do something else. Once they get into "something else", they relax, and then there's an accident. We saw it happen too many times with our oldest, and with our neices/nephews.
Good luck!