I'm so sorry your hubby isn't supporting you. I breastfed both of mine throughout the night until 2 years old and there is NO WAY I would have made it w/out hubby's support so I really feel for you. To be blunt - if he is going to be a douche bag about this then HE NEEDS TO HELP WITH THE NIGHT WEANING!!! NO IF'S AND'S OR BUT'S! Seriously, he could really help you during this time. I have friends who wanted to stop night nursing around this age and they did so with hubby's help. It may take two weeks or so but if he is able to be consistent in the bedtime routine and in getting up w/baby during the night to rock/sing to sleep, the payoff will be huge. Every baby is different, but it wouldn't hurt to try. It will be a lot harder on you and baby if you try to night wean at this age. There will be tears. So he either accepts this or he helps!
Night weaning at this age is hard w/out tears because baby is still very young and this is how she is used to getting to sleep. I started to night wean my son around 18mos and by 2 he was done. Not a quick process as I did it slowly/gently but as soon as I did, he was sleeping through the night. You might want to read The No Cry Sleep Solution by Elizabeth Pantley or go to www.askdrsears.com and search weaning, I think he has some good tips.
As with the vomitting, maybe she has some sort of reflux? I wouldn't push solids. My first wouldn't touch them until after she turned 1, my second was eating anything/everything you put in front of him by 6 months. Dr. Sears website also has a good section on introducing solids and what order to do so.
Lastly, on refusing the bottle. I wouldn't push that either. Just let her have her water in a sippy cup or cup with a straw, then you can skip the whole bottle phase.
I'm sure your husband is a nice guy, I didn't mean to call him a name up above, I just wanted to make sure you were listening (-: My husband is NOT a night person at all, probably one of the reasons I never tried to wean my kids at night before their time. I didn't want to deal w/the tears. It was easier on all of us to just co-sleep and let them nurse when they wanted. My husband never got up at night w/the kids or helped w/the sleep routine but for me, that worked out fine. Since your husband is at home during the day, talk to him when you are calm and tell him what you need from him to help make this work.
Best wishes,