I have the exact same problem with my son. My son is in 1st grade and he had always been active. He is always talking, singing, wiggling, running, just a wealth of endless energy, and a total lack of focus. My son's school helped me last year, as I asked them to find a teacher with a firm sense of discipline, and so we changed his classes mid semester, and he went from a "bad" depressed child who was in the office once a week, to a child who from day one in the new class, was happy and never got into trouble again. I firmly believe it is the willingness of the teacher and the school, to work with your child.
This year, he has a teacher who has a personality that is TONS less conducive to cooperation than the teacher that he started last year with, and since he is in 1st grade, there are no teacher assistants and so he is sent to the office every day because she is unable to mentally "take him". We tell the school what works at home. We have my son practice being a "bump on a log". He sits still for a few minutes without speaking and raises his hand to ask permission to speak. This works on 10 minute increments but as I'm sure you will agree, is a huge accomplishment. We also realized his high intelligence level and so we told that teacher that he gets bored and sent a book from home, that was more to his reading level, so when he completed his work he could read, instead of become a nuisance. This has worked wonders! We demanded to have a stricter teacher, but there is a new administration this year, so they have not even begun to comply. The teachers seem afraid to cooperate this year, I believe due to the new principle and vice-principle. Believe it or not, every teacher and staff member that I have spoken with and that has been involved with my son's educational process this year has suggested medication. I am appalled. I did not think the schools were allowed to initiate such a discussion. They all start out by saying, "As a mother..." The vice-principle also told me that 3 of her 4 kids are medicated. I refuse! I refuse to put my child on drugs. It's an excuse and a mask. I have read that Ritalin will cause my child to have major depression and sexual dysfunction in his 40's. That's not fair! Like I said, I refuse!
I have been reading a lot about supplements, and correcting diets, and homeopathic methods. We have chosen to take him to a chiropractor, who also does acupuncture. This seems to be working. It has taken two weeks @ 2 treatments per week. This coupled with the diet changes that I started in kindergarten. I removed sugar from his diet altogether, so no Kool-Aid, sodas, donuts, cookies, candy,……. nothing! I only allow him to have cereal on weekends, and even then it’s organic, gluten free, sugar free cereal. He loves it because it is HIS box, and he doesn’t have to share with his 17 year old sister and his 15 year old brother. We are also trying to get him into karate, and soccer. I have read that activity like this is crucial. I also noticed his ability to concentrate when he is listening to music, so we have a small MP3 player filled with classical music, to challenge his brain. While he is listening to it, he is still, and he always falls asleep better when he listens to his MP3 player.
I mentioned about supplements earlier. I would like to hear of your experience with this vitamin supplement if you decide to try it. I am open to almost anything at this point. I have been dealing with him from the day he was born, and only since he started school, have I noticed the world’s inability to handle him. The world is used to quick fixes, and “It’s not MY problem!” ways to deal with everything. I am willing to change our whole way of life to make sure he remains himself, and not a drug-induced zombie! My son is extremely bright and the school district does not have a gifted program in place, and they are aware of it. We, as parents, are expected to “fix” our children, and make the teacher’s life easy. It’s sad. We can only do so much at home. My heart goes out to you! Stick to your guns! Do not let them label your child, or treat him badly! There are NO standardized tests to determine ADHD. “ADHD” has become a catch-all, and a crutch. Do what feels best for you and your family! Good luck!