Seeking Great OB or Midwife

Updated on October 21, 2009
B.A. asks from Arlington Heights, IL
4 answers

Dear Moms,

I'm 8 weeks pregnant with my second child and am exploring my options for a new ob/midwives group, and I hope you can help. The midwives at Ob-Gyne & Associates on Wilke delivered my first baby, and I was very happy with that delivery, but for that pregnancy I switched to them at 36 weeks, so I didn't go there for prenatal care. So far, I think they're ok this time around for prenatal care, but I really want to LOVE my doctor/health care's practice, and I can't say I LOVE it.

Can you please recommend someone you LOVE? Or at least like a lot? I delivered the first at Northwest Community, but frankly I'm also interested in Highland Park or Evanston, or really anywhere between northern Arlington Heights and Northwestern University, where I'm a student.

Thank you, Moms!!

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answers from Chicago on

I am currently going to Women's Health Specialists at Lutheran General and love them. They are wonderful!

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answers from Chicago on

Dr. Hakimian or any of the doctors out of Progressive Care for Women--North Western. She delivered my three children and their staff is great.

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answers from Chicago on

I love my doctor- he returns calls personally!! You don't have to deal with a nurse in the middle!

They are very personal.

Dr David Shaw in Skokie on Golf near Old Orchard ###-###-####

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answers from Chicago on

I love Dr. Iannucci out of Lutheran General but he is a high risk doctor. Hope that helps!

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