I have gone to the Stillwater Medical Group all my life. They all devlier at Lakeview (which by the way has a BEAUTIFUL Women's Center). I don't know if you are interested in a midwife, but Fern Aspen is THE BEST! I have been seeing her for years, through 2 pregnancies and she is amazing. She isn't the "new age hippie" type that some people associate midwives with. She specializes in water births, but I was not interested in that, and I wanted drugs etc and she was totally understanding and non-judgmental (I guess some midwives push drug free labor) She is paired with Dr. Webber so if you need an OB for anything (ultrasound) or go high risk, he takes over. She is so compassionate and talks and talks with you about any concern. She delivered my son 2 years ago and made the experience wonderful. You will feel listened to and understood and love your pregnancy! I am hoping to have a reason (come on baby #3) to go in and see here again in a few months!!! If you want any other info, I'd be happy to email or chat. Good luck! Jennifer