change GP's. Assuming you have insurance, do you have a list of preferred physicians? I've noticed on this site that you usually cant get answers like this since it would take someone from San Jose to read this. If you can pick any doc you want, I would just pick one, get your file from your current doc so you can take it to the new doc, and see if the new one will set you up with the test. Lots of times, in order to save money, the docs wont give us tests that they dont think we need.... maybe just be more assertive to your current doc, and say "Hey, I'm the patient and I feel like I need this test and until you authorize it I am going to be stressed out and you are messing up my quality of life by denying it to me, so unless you can convince me that I do not need this test, lets just do it for MY piece of mind since I am the patient".