I answered this on another post today. Sorry it's redundant.
There is nothing we as moms can say to make our kids feel worthwhile. My mom used to lavish praise on me. I would think - you have to say that, youre my mom. As I got older the praise I get made me feel like a sham. Like I didn't deserve it and if anybody knew the real me, they'd know better.
It took an alcoholic frined of mine working the steps to finally explain it to me. Self esteem comes from esteemable acts. She has to do things she's proud of. If that is volunteer work or church or art or whatever - she needs to DO something that she can point to as an accomplishmanet, a tlanet, or a value in herself. For me, I get my self worth from my job ethic, my parenting, and fromworking out. Working out always makes me feel good about myself. If her major problems are with her physical appearnce, maybe you two could sign up for a weekly yoga class together. Ask her to please come with you because you would be too embarassed to go by yourself. That way she wont think you are in any way suggesting that she NEEDS to work out. That would be a disaster! But working out just lifts your spirits and makes you feel powerful and teen girls need that.