Contact Child Action. They can give you referrals to in home licensed daycare in a specific area (radius from a given location). Then you can contact the daycares and make appts to meet each and observe etc. That was how we found my son's daycare after his birth, and we were very happy with our choice. It was a bit of work, and there were a few that we visited that we would not have even considered leaving our child with, but we did find a great one in the process. I went to observe at ours probably 5 times before I went back to work and she was great with that (I tried to go at different times of day to really get a feel). If they don't want you to do this, I would not even considering leaving your child there. My husband also did unannounced drop-ins in the beginning since his schedule was flexible, and we were always happy with what he walked into. (We were a bit over protective, but my son was only 6 weeks old, so we were still very new parents) The one we found was about 8 blocks from our house, so it couldn't have been closer, and we still keep in touch with them even though my children no longer go to daycare. Unfortunately it wasn't in Rocklin, so not much help to you, but child action should be able to give you some referrals.