I agree with the other post that you should speak with your daughter about it. If she confided in you, you definately don't want to break the wonderful trust and you and your daughter already have by telling the other mothers. I don't think that everyone her age is having sex and smoking pot, but I think that there are at least a couple of people in most circles of friends who do at least one of those, so keeping her away from her long time friends is not the answer. If you try to tell her she cannot see them, she will most likely end up resenting you and not confiding in you anymore. If you really want her away from them, try to get her involved in other activities where she can meet new people and make new friends. However, try to make it about trying something new and not taking her away from her friends. It sounds like you are doing great already and I would keep up the good work and keep the conversation flowing. Maybe you guys could talk about ways that she can turn down pot and sex. You could role play if she'll let you. Also when you are talking to her, you could find out what HER reasons are for not doing these things and help her build on these. My daughter is only 2 and I can only imagine what it is like to has a teenager right now, but these are just some ideas from my own experience. Good luck.