I heard GattiTown in flowood, or Maley's were both pretty fun places to go. GattiTown is like Chuck E Cheese but you actually have to pay to get in and I think it is at Dogwood Festival Marketplace or somewhere in that area. I don't know if it gets as crowded as Chuck E Cheese or not. My friend's son just went to a little girl's birthday party at Maley's and she said they had lots of fun. Also there is that place called Pump It Up. Our church went there for a party a few weeks ago. They have all those jumping, & sliding inflatables. There are some of the beads & accessory shops also that have parties. The Wacky Bear factory, I think Candy's Confections does parties, although, I wouldn't really want to be around a bunch of children who just ate a bunch of candies :). If you feel like doing the build a bear thing, there is a website online that you can go to and order them to do at home.
http://stuffabearandfriends.com, www.stuffyourownsafari.com, & www.fillafriend.com. Hope this gives you some ideas.