You're smart to be cautious. Pesticides are dangerous. Call American Scientific - everything they use is safe and works every time for all pest problems.
I have an eight month old son and our family is considering getting the house fumigated to rid of all bugs. I am concerned about health risks to our son and welcome feedback. I would love any information on research findings on health risks.
Thank you so much for all the feedback. I told my husband all the cons about pesticides and he agreed that it was a bad idea. We are going to pursue a non-toxic solution. You moms are such a great resource.
You're smart to be cautious. Pesticides are dangerous. Call American Scientific - everything they use is safe and works every time for all pest problems.
You are very smart to care about your baby's health! The research I've heard shows that there's a higher incidence of leukemia in children in households that use bug sprays, so you are wise to fear using them. There are plenty of other natural alternatives: Boric acid for roaches (available at 99c store) sprinkled behind and inside cabinets where the baby doesn't enter, etc), Soapy water for ants, and vacuuming for spiders, etc. You can look it up on the web for more ideas!
I went to a class about kid/pet friendly and eco-friendly pest control by Dr. Bob Stauffer in LV, NV. I got his book that explains natural ways to control pests. He recommended BUGSRDONE which we googled and bought and now use. There's also Victor Poison Free sprays at Star Nursery, Home Depot, Lowes...or peanut and clove oil (we can't use that cuz kids allergic to peanuts). We've been using this stuff since I was pregnant with my second child. It works well. My husband hardly ever has to spray. We got it from picketfencecatalog.com it lasts a really long time, we only bought it once in 2006. Good luck to you~!
You definitely do not want to expose your infant (or yourself for that matter) to pesticides. What kind of bugs are you trying to get rid of? If it's termites, there's a non-toxic orange oil treatment. There are other non-toxic treatments for various other bugs (you can google that).
When orange oil just wasn't enough, we had to fumigate. We went on vacation the day they tented. After the 24 hour period and the tent was removed, I had my dad come to the house and open all my windows and turn on all the ceiling fans (get extra fans, too) and we left it like that until we returned from vacation several days later. I have a 2 year old and 4 year old.
Hi K.,
I've heard about companies now who spray (if you must actually fumigate) with orange oil. It's safe, it's natural...it's supposed to work great. I haven't tried it myself, I've heard it advertised for a long time and have kept it in the back of my mind just in case some day.
Just google orange oil fumigation...and you'll find alot of information and companies....you can research from there for a company you like. I copies just a few.
As I was looking at these sights I noticed that some say you don't even need to fumigate - that you can get the orange oil product and spray yourself. But if you have termites...I'm sure that's more of why you'd need a company to do it.
Hope you find your answer.
Good luck!!
Hi K., just make sure you do not re enter the house til the proper time, and the company who does the work will tell you how long you have to stay out, then when you go back in, open all the windoes and turn fans on before taking your baby into the house. J.
Hi K.. I just went through this ordeal less than 2 weeks ago. My concern was exactly how long it takes for all the fumes to be gone. My research indicated that it could take up to 5 days for the toxic levels to go down to zero, although the companies tell you it's safe to go back in with in 2 days. Legally if the toxic level is down to about 4% they let you in. Regardless of what the health risks are, do you really want to be exposed to that?
I agree with Cynthia M. Try to stay out as long as you can. I stayed out for 5 days. And washed all of our dishes when I went back. Also, if you go through with it, make sure to take ALL foods and medicines out with you. Leave them at a friends house.
Good luck!
S. =)
Hello, K.,
When an environment is not safe enough for even bugs to live (including our foods) that is a great indicator about how it is unsafe for us-- especially our children with their newly forming central nervous systems. Why create additional harm for them when we are already innundated with pesticides in our foods, water, skies, etc.?
Have you considered non-toxic options? Ie: orange oil for termites, etc. It is great that you even question this.
My very best to you.
Pesticides are serious stuff when it comes to babies and toddlers- think about the area your child inhabits. He's (hopefully!) on the floor putting things in his mouth and touching everything (and eventually putting his hands in his mouth). If you absolutely feel the need to fumigate, cover every surface that you can (when they used to spray at the daycare I worked at we had to cover everything with garbage bags before we went home) and scrub everything, and consider shampooing the carpet, before letting your child back in. You can also consider other options. You could try integrated pest management, which uses safer methods to control (not eliminate, because as much as I hate them not all bugs are bad) insects- some pest management services offer or even specialize in this. I can't recommend one, though, because I only know about it from taking entemology in college, not from experience. Also, if you look on the internet you can find simple non-toxic ways to get rid of bugs. Supposedly you can use cinnamon to get rid of ants. And if you find a way to get rid of spiders, let me know! I think they're taking over my house! At least it feels that way to me.
Hi there,
I would absolutely not re-enter until the house until it is completely cleaned and aired-out. I'm not sure if you're aware of the dangers you may already have in your home due to the toxic chemicals in your everyday products you use. For example, were you aware that the chemicals in Lysol and Bleach are registered pesticides???? I am on a mission to educate people everywhere about the toxic chemicals we are not even aware of that may be causing harmful side-effects to our health and certainly to our planet!
Watch this video and I would also be happy to send you some additional information I have via e-mail.
Hi K.,
Pesticides can be very dangerous to children. Here's a link to an EPA site with info about Pestides and children:
We used Orkin pest control from the time my first baby was born and never had a problem. I specifically asked them about it before any treatments. If you are getting fumigated where everyone has to leave the house and wait for time to pass before returning, you will definitely want to ask the company about special cleaning or precautions when you first return. If you can leave off fumigating until he is older, that might be the best choice, but for regular treatments (like Orkin) you don't have anything to worry about.
What kind of pests do you have? Someone was moving and gave us a box of old stuff that we didn't check before we brought home. It turned it, there were roaches in the box. We had a company come out twice to try to get rid of them with no success. The company guarantees they get rid of them, but wouldn't refund my money, instead they wanted me to empty all of my cabinets each time they came out (that's a lot of work!).
Then, my mom in the E.Coast told me about Combat's Gel - it comes in a syringe looking thing. I put it around some of the corners in my lower kitchen cabinets, anywhere I've seen roaches and they were gone.
The stuff really, really works.