I have two teenage daughters, one just turned 13 and one is 15 and I too do not like them walking to friends houses even though the friends just live down the road. What I do is sit down with them and constantly talk to them about the dangers that are out there. We'll watch a show, like Oprah, Montel and sometimes (not very often due to the graphic nature) Dateline, that do have subject title's that stress my point. It's very hard raising teenagers today, there are more hidden dangers out there then when we were kids, so many more sick individuals just looking for an oppurtunity to grab a kid. As I tell my girls, these are my rules, if you want to go to your friends houses, my rules have to be followed, if not, then you will sit home and do nothing. I guess my advise is to really, really talk to your daughters of your concerns and stress the points that do scare you. Teenangers don't want to believe their parents have a brain in there head, nor do they think we were young once, it's just a given. Sometimes they do have to make mistakes to learn,(my daughter wouldn't listen when I told her not to dye her hair black, she was blonde, she didn't listen and dyed it black, I hated it, but I didn't state that fact, I just told her I could live with it, within a day, she was crying that she hated it and what could we do, we finally got it back to blonde and she has learned her lesson, and now doesn't think I'm to dumb in certain matters..lol),Sometimes it's hard and scary to let them have their independence. Just really have a heart to heart with them, that's what I do. I hope everything works out for you.