I am surprised how many people are down on school fundraisers! As someone who works in a school and runs that annual fundraiser, they are a necessary evil! They make A LOT of money for the kids. And notice that I say "the kids". The fundraising is a different pot of money than the PTA, booster, foundation, school supplies donations, whatever else you may have. When the kids are doing the selling, it goes to the stuff directly benefitting the kids. And its often the stuff that breaks up the drudgery of school (the special activities- dances, assemblies, special programs, extras like student planners, t-shirts and other freebies that lift the kids' spirits throughout the year).
Also, I believe it is good training for the kids. Through fundraising they get a little glimpse into what it takes to run an organization. They get rewarded the more they sell (fun for the kids and true to real life, most of the time). Some kids are totally turned on by this ( the prizes and recognition) others are not. If yours are not, I'd say go the donation route and just throw a little into the pot. Its for the kids. If your kid is into it, I say Sell Away!
*school fundraisers DO NOT require the kids sell to strangers or door to door. Just sell to family and friends or buy a few things yourself.
*I'll be writing a check for gift wrap for my own kids school this week (might as well get something for that $$$ I would've just donated) and kicking off my own schools 3 week magazine drive this Thursday... I'll be spending a big chunk of my work time pumping the kids up and rewarding them, with some of parent volunteers, so it disheartens me to see some of these parents so down on the student fundraisers!