I understand that fundraiser seem like they are going on all the time. This is the first year we have not been actively fundraising because my daughter gradated this past June.
There are many factors to consider with fundraising and the purpose of the fundraisers. Our elementary schools do a lot of fundraising and a MAJOR portion of the funds are used for the children for field trips, bring in special people for assemblies, fund some things in the school that the district does not fund. The list is endless.
A main way to get "in the know" is to volunteer and get involved. When you are involved with the PTA/PTO booster clubs, etc you will know why you are fundraising and where the funds go. These organizations are also closely monitored by the IRS as well. I have been in several organizations which deal with upwards of $250,000 for the Senior High School level. Our money was used to fund scholarships for students entering college, homecoming festivities, prom festivities, after prom festivities and after graduation festivities.
If you volunteer your time, you will how much the fundraising is needed and be privy to the budgets and where the monies are going.
As for the Styrofoam and plastic... really? Look at it this way... it is cheaper for many school to have the disposable products. By using these, they don't have to hire extra people in the cafeteria, cut expenses of the dishwashing (hot water, dryers) which adds up the water and electricity bills. Some schools don't have the extra room for the washing lines to make sure everything is sanitized.
Our elementary schools do use disposable products. They also have a staff member on hand when children are released from lunch manning 3 different types of recycling bins. They do collect the styrofoam trays as well.
The bet way for you to get a good understanding of why and how things are done is to get involved with your school. The same goes if you want some sort of change.
Along with fundraising, the schools here incorporate drives for the children to participate in so they are helping the community.. They have yearly canned food drives, coat drives, shoe drives and they just wrapped up a new drive of hygiene products.
You don't have to be overly active with the organizations. You can put in what available time you have and still make a difference.