I've had two miscarriages and with my last pregnancy, I experienced what you're saying. Loss of symptoms... but went on to have a healthy baby! Because of my age (I'm old, I guess...LOL) some problems with severe scar tissue on my uterus, mesh from a hernia repair, antibodies against the baby's platelets, thyroid going wacko with meds not helping, and with the swine flu epidemic last year, my doc pretty much made it sound like my pregnancy was a life threatening problem for me. I just went on to do the best for my baby and enjoy my pregnancy. I didn't even so much as have the swine flu vaccine or anything and my pregnancy couldn't have been any smoother. I'm sitting here nursing my 6 month old baby. Try not to worry. I know it's hard. Enjoy every moment with your child. Even these early days of pregnancy. Try to stay positive and optomistic. Your baby needs you to stay away from stress and negative thoughts if possible. Ask God to help you not to worry and try to train your mind to think of other things. Good luck! I wish you the best. HUGS and PRAYERS!