Well.. you have a range of kid ages.. I hope that once christmas comes around that the older will not wreck it for the younger...
My sister did not do a good Santa job... OH MY GOSH!!!! I guess it is easer with just 1.. I had special paper that ONLY santa used... Lucky I did not have to use name tags.. but I have a friend who has 3 kids she uses colors.. SO not to use name tags.. See my thing is.. I noticed my mom's handwritting was alot like santas.. but I was convinced that she was a helper... I believed up to 6th grade.. but we still got santa gifts.. Cuz it is the magic that makes it special.... I was heartbroken!!!
I played a good santa.. My oldest son OH MY GOSH!!!! He was 5th grade Heck maybe 6th... He I think sort of knew.. but not sure.... I had to tell him that the toothfairy was not real.. He was going to camp and was worried cuz his tooth was loose.. He cried!!!! He then asked well..what about Santa I think he knew... but needed to know.... OH WOW.. wait... Next was the easter bunny!!! Yes that was a bad day!!!! BUT each year we stilllll do allll the events!!!!
It keeps you young!!!! and makes it special...
Maybe talk to the older ones.. THEY can help make it more real for the youngers.. and everybody gets something from each of the holidays... and that lovly toothfairy!!!
But Being sneekey is good too!!!
I know in 3rd grade alot of people were like starting not to belive.. OH I saw this or that.. So that helped me to be extra sneeky!!!
My sister bought her santa stuff WITH HER KIDS WITH HER!!!!
Good luck!