Hi C.,
Avon has a great product for this. contact me and I will get you all the info you need. 100% moneyback if you don't like the product.
I need help!! It is swim time and 2 years latter, my skin on belly looks all saggy and dimply. It doesn't stick out, it sags. Has anyone tried the lotions or anything that helps? I am a size 3-4, and tone every where else. I need some serious help before I drop a ton of money. Thanks!!! (it is what I called a Jelly Belly when I was a little girl on my grandma)
Hi C.,
Avon has a great product for this. contact me and I will get you all the info you need. 100% moneyback if you don't like the product.
Aaaah, just one of the joys of motherhood. Don't waste your money on creams, save it for a tummy tuck. No cream will reattach that skin.
I think every mom is planning her tummy tuck when she's done having kids. I know I am!
I am saving up my money for a good plastic surgeon. I have the same problem!
Sorry to say but likely nothing will help. Sagging tummies are what plastic surgery is for.
I completely know where your coming from- don't bother with the wraps/detox etc. They don't work. I started wearing a girdle type thing and that helped a lot. I also bought a cream called Miracle Burn. I put it on before I put the girdle on and it has helped the texture and size of the saggy skin. Maybe you could try it?
OH MY GOSH - Have I got a before and after picture for you of someone who has used Arbonne's RE9 body care system!!
IF you would like to see the before and after and learn how you can get 35% off of their products, let me know.
Hi C.,
I had the same problem! I used the Avon Lift and Tuck lotion which seemed to really help with the dimples and my skin feels tighter. It's worth a try. I've also done the detox wraps, usually around $100.00 but the results were immediate! I think the website I looked at for it was www.suddenlyslender.com , I saw it on Montel.
The third pregnancy does it to you. It sounds like you didn't have too much recovery time between pregnancies if you've had three by age 25. Unfortunately lotions do not work for loose skin, either does excercise. It may be time to look for a good plastic surgeon.