I gave up on all such charts many moons ago. It was too much work for ME to keep it all straight.
If you can't figure out a good solution, or the chore chart idea just doesn't work for you, don't be afraid to figure out something else that does work/fit your family.
Our house is not spotless, and you can't eat off the floor. But it is clean enough to invite someone in to sit down and visit. There are clean sheets on the guest bed. And the kids know how and do help around the house. Some things they have just learned over the years are "their job" and others I (or Dad) asks them to "go _______" or "come help _____" and they do.
Frankly, I am not in the military, and I don't want my kids to feel like they are either. If they decide to join up when they are older, they can. But for now, we have easier regs around our house.
As for rules, ummm... the most practical ones are the kind that you can't make specific enough. "If you open it, close it; if you empty it, refill it" kinda stuff. They know these things, but "put a new roll of toilet paper on the roller" just doesn't translate that well, when you are in a different room from "the rules". It's the kind of thing you learn from finding yourself on the toilet with no toilet paper.