we have a routine, but it is very flexible.
Mornings, we do activities. In the summer and on nice days, we most always are out of the house by 9-9:30 am and return anywhere from 11:30-2 (depending on the activity). We go to parks/playgrounds, zoo, farms, walks, playdates with friends, or sometimes it is just shopping and running errands. Sometimes we eat lunch out or come home for lunch. I always let my little ones know what we are doing before we leave the house. and sometimes i even give choices like- do you want to go to the zoo today or playground? then go whereever he picks. We also go to story time once a week too.
when we come home itis nap/quiet time and then we usually spend the remainder of the afternoon at home- playing inside or outside, cooking dinner, etc.
If we stay home during the day, i have my son "help" me with chores. He loves to sweep, vacuum with his toy vaccuum, and when i clean the bathroom, i give him a spray bottle of water and a washcloth and he helps me clean. He also loves to cook and stir. give her some bowls and spoons and that will keep her busy for a while. We do arts and crafts, read stories, play hide and seek, dance, do flash cards, play cars. if your daughter seems to be outgrowing her toys, check out craigslist for new cheap used toys. or find things around the house that can become "toys". He can playoutside for hours, help me garden. kids love to help- you don't always have to be "playing" with them...they just want to be with you.
after dinner we play, watch a TV show and have snack, get ready for bed.