You sound like you're describing my 5 year old daughter. Some days everything feels like a chore. It is so disappointing when you go to the trouble to do something special that you think would be fun for them and they whine, complain and just don't act like they enjoy or appreciate it.
My daughter is also stubborn when it comes to eating. She just had her 5 year checkup and her doctor wanted to know why she hasn't gained any weight since last November (9 months). (She has gotten taller, she just hasn't gained any weight.) I had to explain that she just won't eat if I don't serve something she likes, and she likes very, very few things. Honestly, I can put the food in front of her but I can't make her eat it. I put food on her plate and sometimes she eats it and sometimes she doesn't. Regardless of what it is, she whines about it most of the time. She tells me that she wants ice cream, popsicles, Oreos and candy instead. Um, no. Those are things you might get after you eat your dinner, but not before - and we definitely don't have those things with our breakfast. Lately she's been driving me nuts, when she does decide to eat, by asking me "How many more bites?" every few seconds. For a while she started dumping her food in the trash and then 10 minutes later she would tell me that she was still hungry. She seemed to think that if she threw her dinner in the trash and she was still hungry that I would have to give her cookies, ice cream and crackers. Wrong. It took her a few times but she finally figured out that that doesn't work. What's bad is that I can tell that she is really hungry sometimes because she is so grumpy but she just won't eat if it's not exactly what she wants. I have even tried taking her to the grocery store with me to help pick out healthy food and she assures me that she will eat it, but when we take it home and prepare it it's a different story. I've also tried getting her to help me prepare the food but that doesn't help either.
Sorry that I don't have any advice for you. Just wanted to let you know that you're not alone. Here's hoping they grow out of this soon! :)