Hi S.,
I feel your pain, my son kept his feet up under my ribs on the left side for like the last 10 to 12 weeks of my pregnancy. When I had to sit for very long, it would hurt so badly from the bottom of my rib cage up over my left shoulder and down my back on that same side. And I sit at a computer all day. I would sit and type and cry because it hurt so bad. I stayed sore even after I had him for about 4 to 5 weeks. My rib cage still sticks out slightly further on my left side than my right because he moved my ribs out of place. I have heard of women having ribs broken from kicking babies.
The only thing I can suggest is lay on the floor on the opposite side you baby is laying on and take your hand and physically (but gently) try to slide him/her over. Also, at night, try to lay in a postion that will get the baby to move. Hopefully this will convince the baby to move into a new position. And take Tylenol as often as you need it. It will not hurt the baby, but help you. Also, if you have access to a pool at a YMCA or something, water aerobics will help to relieve some of the ache in those muscles.