If they're in good shape...I dont see why you couldn't use them again. I'd just boil them and reclean them and they should be fine. :)
Just a quick question...I was wondering if I should use my sons old bottle nipples for my daughter (I'm due in 5 weeks) or if I should just buy new ones. I bought them when he was born 2 years ago and I have a bunch of them that are in really good shape so it seems like it would be okay to use them, sorry if this is a dumb question!! Thanks!
If they're in good shape...I dont see why you couldn't use them again. I'd just boil them and reclean them and they should be fine. :)
I would check them thoroughly to make sure there are no cracks, holes or tears but otherwise I would say go for it! No need to buy new ones if you don't need to.
I went through the same thing. Some of the old nipples were kind of gnarly, so I went to get more and they didn't have that bottle anymore! I ended up with Tommee Tippee, and LOVE them. Anyway, you may want to call the company and see if they were BPA-free back then. This is a fairly recent thing with everything touting their free-ness, so I'm not sure if they were 2 years ago. Better to be safe.
Not sure if I will get comments about this? But... they just said it was ok to have the BPA in the sealants for kids fillings in their teeth. So, not sure why it is ok there but they created such a mess with the baby bottles. (I did purchase new but now wish I had not)
Good luck...
I basically reused the same nipples with all 3 of my girls. First one born in 2004 and third one born in 2009. Thankfully they were not picky!!
If they are in perfect condition, you may be ok but I would personal buy new nipples just to be safe.
First of all, I don't think this is a dumb question. I asked the same thing and was told that it all depends on how they were stored over the years. There is four and a half years in between my daughters and I am reusing the nipples from my older daughter. When I stored them, I put them in a zip lock baggie and then in a tote with the lid sealed tight. That way nothing was able to get on them. Once I got them out I sterilized them and they were as good as new. I was told as long as nothing was able to get on them over the years and not exposed to too much air. The air can make them weaker and crack easier.
I used the same nipples. I have a 3 year old and 11 month old twins, so needless to say when double baby rolled around we decided why not reuse the old ones.
As long as they are BPA free then no worries! :)