Sorry, I was out of it earlier. Obvious by my original answer.
I have found that I may change my mind if the moms I normally agree with have posted a different answer than me.. I read them and try to understand or consider their answers.. The moms that I rarely agree with or the "grumpys" if they agree with me.. I make sure I am not on the wrong side in the first place. . Hee, hee.
We just need to always be honest with ourselves and follow our hearts and brains. We must decide what is best for our own situations.
I have learned a ton by reading the questions and answers here. I share lots of things you mamas say.. It is so amazing to have so many different voices with different backgrounds and situations to see a question in different perspectives or different experiences.
My business partner and I used to joke about if O. of us died would we be willing to take care of the other husband?.. Not in a sexual way, but making sure they are cared for.
Eating healthy, their house is clean, laundry done, bills paid on time, make them go top the doctor, call their mothers etc. ..
We both agreed yes, We would gladly do this.. We also said at some point it would be fun to live on the same property in our own tiny houses to help each other as we got older and as we died off, we would take care of whoever was left..
She is fighting cancer right now not even 50 and she reminded me yesterday of our promise.. I told her, my husband would be the lucky O., because I know she would take good care of my husband and probably not harp on him near as much as I do.
But she better give HER husband a heads up on our plan in case he needs to change the locks on their house. Hee, hee.
She is actually doing very well, so I told her "we need to start planning our layout of OUR land and living quarters. "