I have a 6year old that was born at 26 weeks that have had a lot of problems since birth now we are just finding out he have severe sleep apnea so the doctors wanted to remove his tonsil and adnoids but i'm afraid of letting them do it give me some suggestions you all please.
My daughter was 6 when she had her tonsils and adnoids removed due to sleep apnea. I waited about 6 months after the initial diagnosis b/c I was nervous. I'm so glad we had it done. She sleeps so much better now. Amazing how important sleep is when it comes to your day to day life and it's amazing how much sleep apnea affects the quality of sleep. You can always get a 2nd opinion if it makes you more confident about your choice.
I would recommend getting a second and even a third opinion. It's always a good idea when considering any type of surgery.
My daughters' both had their adenoids out at two years old and sleep much better now. I would caution you about the tonsils if your kiddo doesn't have a lot of infections. I know it is standard to remove them together, but neither of my kids had them done together because the ENT told us tonsils was a bigger recovery time and they didn't think it necessary because we weren't having throat infections. Adenoids is a much smaller and less recovery type procedure. It is REALLY fast too.
Sleep apnea can lead to a lot of other problems. I would talk with your doctor about the procedure to lessen your concern. This is a common procedure.
Hi. My son had severe apnea and snored like crazy... We could hear him snore in the living room with his bedroom door closed. He always had circles under his eyes was always sleepy. At 9 months, we had his adenoids removed but not his tonsils. We were told that many times, just doing the adenoids takes care of the problem. Plus, at that age, it's difficult for them to understand and deal with the pain of the removal of the tonsils, and we could have them removed later, when he could be consoled a bit better if need be. The surgery for the adenoids helped him tremendously! It is a bit scary for such a little one to have surgery, but it really did help and the recovery was quick. Be sure the tonsillectomy is really necessary, though. Good luck!
My friend had her daughter's tonsils and adnoids taken out around the same age and aside from her not eating that much for a week after and losing a little weight, there were no issues...in fact she sleeps so much better now and doesn't sound like an 80 year old man snoring like she used to.
Good luck!
I had them removed whem I was 3 years old. It went fine. When people around me are getting tonsillitis and strep throat, I am not affected. It is great.
My daughter is 6 and just had both her tonsils and her adnoids taken out. We are now 2 weeks into recovery and she is fine. We needed to use codeine the 1st 2 days and that was it. It is much harder as an adult or teen to have the tonsils out. I had mine out at 19 and still remember the horrible recovery. We had hers done at Childrens and they were great.
Good luck.
Don't have no suggestions , just unsure why you are afraid? Is it just the idea of an operation on your son? It is a very simple procedure and does not take long at all , if it is going to help your son then I don't see where the problem is.
I had my tonsils out when I was six and it made all the difference in the world. My consecutive year school pictures don't even look like the same kid.
My daughter had it done at age 3. It was really no big deal. Painful to swallow for a couple of days and then NEVER sick again and she's 8. Go for it!