Hi S., My name is Lori and I indeed raise one child, a little girl. She was very content, since she had no idea what it was like to have brothers or sisters. She had alot of friends to play with, not to mention cousins. She is now married with a daughter of her own. I should mention quickly that I now have a 4 year old. April was 19 when he was born (same dad). (I call him my ooops!) I wouldn't trade him for anything. Now I am raising him as an only child, even though he has a sister. He is in head start so he is learning how to play with other kids his age, and he loves it. So when your son gets older, there are play groups, head start, pre-school and a host of other things for him to do when he is ready. Right now, just enjoy him as he is and remember, that when he gets to be with other kids, he will pick up their habits, which is another story. Good luck.