Thank you for breastfeeding! Regarding the breast pads...I used cut up cloth diapers and folded handkerchiefs. I got the diaper ones from a company called FAMILIES (owned by a Mennonite family) and they were super thick. I personally did not like the disposible pads becuase I would not feel them getting wet (after all, they are just a round sanitary pad) and by the time I remembered them, they'd stink.
The only special nipple care I did was not use soap on the breast area. I would occasionally use lanolin but only after I had warmed it up a tad to where it wasn't thick.
I can't help you with the other two questions because my kids were troopers with immediate latch-on and no gas, beyond what was normal. And Lord knows, I ate all the things that are supposed to make babies gassy...onions, garlic, milk, soy, beans, etc.