Keep it up mama, you are helping her work through her feelings! This is a GIFT you are giving her :) She is doing an absolutely FABULOUS job of telling you what she needs, and you are doing a fabulous job of responding! I followed a "don't offer, don't refuse" mentality towards nursing after the first year. My kids both went through phases around 15-17 months where they increased the amount of nursing they did. Those months are pretty tumultuous, as they are learning SO much and trying to figure out this new "independence" they have with the ability to walk away from you after all those months of requiring you to pick them up and move them youself (this can be very scary and exciting at the same time!) My kids both self weaned at 19 months, they just got so busy they forgot to ask - it probably seems like this will never happen for you, but sadly, it will. Enjoy the next few months of this unique time with your precious baby!