S. - You are a good friend to be telling your single mother friend the truth about her boyfriend. I was a single mother for 5 years and it is a tough road, especially when you introduce someone new into your children's life. A couple of thoughts came to my mind when I read your note. First, your friend should tell the psychologist about the things that her daughter has gone through, including the incident with the boyfriend. It sounds like her daughter is confused and most likely depressed. Kids are too often mis-diagnosed with ADHD (my son was), but her daughter probably could benefit from some therapy. They can do wonderful things with play therapy with kids her daughter's age. I had both my kids in therapy over the years and it has helped tremedously. Second piece of advice is don't date men who are not going to be sensitive to your child. The reaction by this man tells me that he probalby is struggling with the fact that she has a child and how that plays in their relationship. If he is not willing to talk about it without anger or even willing to go with them to therapy if needed, then he is not worth it. There are men who are wonderful step dads (I married one), but it takes a lot of hard work. While he is not (and never will be) her daughter's father, they are a package deal and he can't have your friend without her daughter. It might also be a good idea to have your friend see a therapist. Sometimes talking things out with an objective person can be really helpful.