edited to add - I'm so excited to see the other responses include several mentions of cloth diapers!! I was so accustomed to having the only babe around in cloth in our old hometown I didn't realize how popular they are here! ;D
Well, we used a combination of Pamper's, Luv's, and...drumroll...
cloth diapers!
We use the disposables for our nighttime heavy-wetter situation; we still have to change my almost 3-yr old at 11 or 12 at night just so he doesn't wake up soaked to the sheets.
However, for daytime, we found cloth diapers a really great alternative to disposable diapering. The great thing is that nowadays, the options and motivations for using cloth diapers are almost endless, so snobbery about brands is really hard to come by - they rise above it! And the diapers? Wow -- they are so soft, so CUTE!, and so environmentally friendly, not only are they 'diaper-snob-proof,' but they are easy and really save money, too.
I could go on and on about brands, styles, colors, and designs of cloth diapers, but here's what we use and love:
*BumGenius pocket diapers, Mother of Eden inserts (the microfiber ones that come with the pocket diaper)
*Bella Bottoms hemp or bamboo/hemp fitted diapers, ProWraps covers (though these aren't even close to as cute as covers come, they are the inexpensive workhorses in our "stash" of diapers)
*my favorite references for cloth diaper wash and care: http://diaperpages.com/detergent.php and
*my favorite website to dive into everything cloth diaper (diaper reviews, sales, announcements, etc.): diaperpin.com
HTH & Happy Diapering!!