I worked with toddlers for a long time and I'm not sure that you have much to worry about at this point.
From what you describe, your son seems right on target. He can locate/do things which involve 'concrete' (real, tangible) items-- shoes, dog, objects he can see and touch.
Love and stomachs, on the other hand-- he cannot 'see' or understand these things in the same way. "Love" is a nice thing for us to say to each other, but it is also an abstract concept. Your son cannot play with love, love cannot be worn or picked up, so it's something he'll learn when he's in his threes, likely. (At least, very common from my experience.)
Pain, too, is also abstract. He may not understand that the inside of his body can also be an extension of 'tummy/belly' when you are pointing to his bellybutton, etc. There's a sweet book I read a while ago about a turtle who tells his mom he has a 'toothache'-- when he really had a stomach ache. Kids often cannot receive or express language about their bodies as well at this age. When kids complained about a stomachache or a headache, I always asked them 'show me where it is on you' and had them touch where it hurt. I found quite a few 'headaches' were located in other areas of their body. Just so you know...
Keep it simple, mom. He sounds fine!