We were concerned about our youngest and had her evaluated by Early Childhood Intervention ( http://www.dars.state.tx.us/ecis/index.shtml ). My pedi referred us, but I don't know if you actually have to be referred. The evaluation and assessment didn't cost and then the first 6 months is generally covered and insurance can be used as well.
They were really quick in coming out(they come to you), but within the couple of months everything took to get things going my little one took off with her talking and we decided to wait a little longer before starting the services (6 month free thing) and see how she does on her own. We had her evaluated at 16 months and I think I may ask to have her evaluated at 2 just to make see how she is progressing.
I had a HUGE relief to see how she actually scored. I am very glad I did it. It made me feel 100% better in all my worries I was having. Of course, her progressing on her own has made me feel even better, but I think if she hadn't I would have felt good knowing I was being proactive instead of denying she could have problems.
If you are worried at all, it doesn't hurt to have them visit. The first time, the lady came out and talk to me about my concerns, took a few notes, and then decided that she did feel my daughter needed to be evaluated. She interracted with her a little but mainly me. The second time, the same lady and a speech lady came out and they did various tasks with her. Had her color, asked her what different objects were, let her play with toys, and watched how she went about her activities. They asked me all sorts of questions about how she ate, bedtime, daily schedule, etc. My daughter scored above her age on a couple of the skills, right at her age on a couple, but her speech did score a couple of months younger than her age. So she qualified and then they have to get all the paperwork in order and all. That took from the end of August until the end of September. By the time we had actual days for them to come out and work with us, my daughter had added close to 25 words to her vocabulary. I am not sure what happened but she really got talkative! So I decided to wait until her words are clearer to see if she does really need speech, so that we can take advantage of the 6 months before we have to pay our insurance copay.
Hope this helps. I don't know whether to encourage you or not, but it is what I did. Good luck!