Sometimes I have spotting in between my period and I do not count those days, but it never comes the day before my period. The first day of my period is usually the second day I feel cramps and it comes full force. If it happens every month I would say just be consistent. So if you are going to count the spotting days make sure you do it every time so you can track accurately. Something that has helped us is LadyComp. I found it online at wwww.naturalmethods.com. THey also have one called BabyComp. It is a little alarm clock that tracks your cycle for you. You take your temperature when you wake up every day. It gets to know your cycle and tells you when you are fertile. It has worked great for us. We got LadyComp because it was less expensive. It works for 5 years though and is less expensive than birth control and more natural. BabyComp has extra features for planning a baby. We have one son who is 2 1/2. We have been using LadyComp for 5 years now. We got pregnant the first month. We weren't really trying but we cheated on a day that it said possibly fertile :) You can also send in the results so your doctor can look at it if there are problems. It will tell you if you did not ovulate that month. The main thing is to be consistent.
Best Wishes!