Prosobee Lipil

Updated on February 03, 2008
J.W. asks from Meridian, MS
5 answers

Does anyone have experience with Prosobee? Pediatrician just recommended due to terrible gas even on Nutramigen.

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answers from Fayetteville on

I used prosobee with lipil with my 2 1/2 year old. Initially I attempted to breastfeed, but at 7 weeks old, she decided I was not enough. We originally went to regular formula, but she projectile vomited that up. The pediatrician recommended the prosobee. She took right to it, with no problem. She was much more content and stayed on that formula until she was about 11 months old, then I slowly weened her off of it and on to regular whole milk. She liked regular milk fine and had no issues with the transition. She still a major milk drinker.



answers from Nashville on

27 years ago, my son couldn't digest milk and was put on Prosobee. He did so well that when my daughter was born, she too, went on the soybean formula.

Some kids have a hard time digesting lactose in milk. As it turns out, my son was lactose intollerent. He did grow out of it, but Prosobee was wonderful.

As he got older, he was give lactose tablets that he could take, over the counter by the way, and then when he drank the milk he didn't have the gas. He would also pee and it looked like curdled milk, when he was a baby.

Don't worry about the Prosobee. It was wonderful.



answers from Monroe on

I personally would try carnation formula in the liquid form. Most pediatric GI doctors recommend that before anything else for sensitive tummies, even before hypo-allergenic formulas. My dd had gas and reflux issues that were cut in half just by switching to liquid instead of powdered formula.
M. and amara 8/25/01



answers from Nashville on


I do not actually have any experience with Prosobee Lipil. My, now 5 month old, had trouble with gas at first and I put him on Enfamil Gentlease Lipil and haven't had any more problems. However, when I changed his milk, I also changed to different bottles. A friend of mine told me about the Dr. Brown bottles and told me that they had really helped her with her baby when he had gas problems, so I started using them too. I'm not sure which one helped, or whether it was the combination of the two but we no longer had gas problems!

Good luck!



answers from Clarksville on

I also had similar problems with BOTH of my children. My first was on Nutramigen, which I didn't notice a huge difference on. She suffered from horrible gas, lots of congestion, some spit up and bouts of crying. We found out she had terrible GERD (reflux) and was also put on Zantac. In addition, the only bottles I could use were the Dr. Brown bottles which I swear by. They are a bit of a pain to clean, but make a HUGE difference. Also, my second baby had GERD as well (which I think is very common due to the valve not being fully developed on the inside). She had horrible gas, no spitting up though, arched her back a ton. I breastfed in the beginning, and switched right to Parent's Choice Gentle (it has the same exact ingredients as the Lipil brand of Gentle Ease, but is much cheaper). I recommend the Gentle formula to everyone. My second also only uses the Dr. Brown bottles. I think I used every bottle on the market with my children, and it is the only one that really helped......Again, the Gentle formula seems to work quite well to quiet the gas symptoms and is much easier to digest. Good luck, it can be so hard sometimes to figure out what works best!

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