Here are a few:
Have a dress/undress relay with hats and gloves. The kids are put into 2 teams with half of kids at either end of room. Team members put on hat and gloves and WALK to the other end of room, exchanges all pieces with child there, who relays back, continues till all on one team have done it and crossed finish line (use funny halloween hands and assorted costume hats to make it fun)
Give each child a plate of popcorn and a plastic surgical glove. Separate them into teams and when you say go, all members of the team fill their gloves (including the fingers) with popcorn. First team done wins. Give all the kids those spider rings to put on it and a twist tie for a great take-home treat.
Using cotton balls and straws, have the kids (again teams) race against each other, blowing a cotton ball down a row through the straw until it crosses a finish line, then runs back and next child goes. You can use a long line of desks or do it on the floor if it is clean (if not, lay down some plastic table cloths because they will be crawling) First team to have all kids blow cotton ball across the finish line wins.
Break kids into teams and give each team a balloon. Objective is to bounce it in the air and keep it there longer than the other teams by bouncing it from member to member but if they can't do that (age) just have them all try together to keep it up there. You can play this one a lot of times before they get tired of it. Last team whose balloon hasn't touched the floor wins...(we used orange balloons and drew black lines and jack-o-lantern faces on them to make it halloweenish..) Wouldn't keep them around after the game though...choking hazard for these kiddos!
Green goo...Make a bunch of green jello. Place 2 small trinkets for each child into the mix and they put their hands in and the toys they pull out are theirs... Messy but lots of fun!!!
Have a great halloween party and let me know how the kids like these games if you use any of them...
Happy Halloween!!!