Hi E. - I read about the side effects of Procardia, commonly prescribed for preterm contractions on another website, which were posted by an RN. She describes the following as potential symptoms: feeling jittery, like your heart is pounding out of your chest, and you may have facial flushing. It may also be hard to sleep. I didn't read your previous post about being placed on bedrest or what gestation you are, but preterm contractions significant enough to cause a doctor to prescribe bedrest and medication should be followed to an absolute "T". You simply cannot be careful enough with your pregnancy at this point and believe me, you do not want to have the baby before it is ready! I hope this doesn't sound harsh, but you really need to put the baby's health above your fear of side effects at this point. Your doctor would not prescribe a medicine for you that was known to be harmful to your developing child either, so if you are having contractions, you need to do whatever you can to put a stop to them so they don't develop into actual preterm labor. Also, if you are on strict bedrest (and I don't know if you are), just that little bit of walking can start you up again, so you should really stay horizontal and follow every bit of advice your doc is giving you, for the sake of your baby!