We had to visit my grandmother recently, and she had to have surgery on her foot and had to stay off of it and she usually loves chasing around my 3 year old (well, as much as any 80 year old does..hee) So we set her up in the playroom with an ottoman to put her foot up on and she could supervise while not having to get up much. We told my dd she had to be very careful not to step on Grandma, which she was very considerate of.
Is there any way you can do something similar? Set up most of what you'll need for the day in a concentrated area, say, the living room, bathroom and kitchen, and sit with your foot up as much as you need while she plays near you? Maybe with a tv tray so you can still do crafts/worksheets/whatever. My daughter is very helpful and wants to bring me stuff if I need it (I was pretty sick the other week and she was very helpful). Then you could rest as much as possible between bathroom trips for both of you, and you could make easy lunches and breakfasts so you dont have to stand up so much. If you're on a couch, she can still cuddle up with you, so you dont have to try lifting her so much.
Good luck, sorry about the ankle!!