i just had my second child who is now 6 months old. my first was almost 2.5 when she was born. luckily i didn't have many jealousy issues.
now that the baby is sitting on her own and becoming more mobile, my toddler is getting more joy out of this new relationship because her sister can finally play with her.
i won't lie to you, it's been a tough road. my worst problem is NO SLEEP!!!! some days it's very difficult but i'm waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel. my first child slept thru the night, no problem. my second, totally different story!!
i have a feeling that in a year or two, it will get easier, and the kids will keep each other entertained. in the long run, i think having two will be better than having an only child.
during the end of my second pregnancy, my first acted up alot more than usual, but after i had the baby, it stopped. i think kids can sense things are different, plus i was way too big and tired to do anything about it!
the first year was the hardest for me, the first time around, then it got better, so i'm hoping that will be the case again. if so, i only have another six months to go!!!
good luck, all the hardship is definately worth it!!!!