I wasn't in on the original conversation, but I am glad to hear the conclusion. It sounds like you've experienced challenges before, found a way to cope, pooled your resources, and instilled independance in your children. You can definately manage.
But, there's only one other thing that I want to share... you mentioned that God -doesn't- give us more than we can handle. Not in my world. There have been several experiences that I've been through where it was completely unmanagible, way over the top, totally volnerable, and dependant upon a miracle or God's intervention. This present world we live in yeilds up circumstances beyond our control (as you've experienced with this pregnancy). It's only in God's strength, His hand on us, that we are able to accomplish a healthy, successful, journey. That being said, I'll share that I believe God to be very practical and deliberate. Some of that God given strength definately does come through the hands of our supporters.
Pray for His daily direction (setting aside religion, other's opinions, ingrained beliefs, even fears) and you will hear His lead.
God Bless,
PS: Would you name the baby Journey? in behalf of the Journey ahead. I love that name for a special little kiddo.
Journey Lynn
Journey James
Think about it.