the same thing happened to me so I called the 800 number on the box to ask. They said if there is any line at all it means I'm pregnant.
so this morning i took the ept +/- pregnancy test.. after wating the 2-3minutes i looked at it and saw that the vertical line was definatley there and very blue but i also noticed a very light horizontal line going across it. i waited a couple of hours and took another one and had the exact same results, so im not really sure how to read that.. is it a weak positive or could it be that the horizontal line just didnt completely go away and its a negative... help!
about an hour ago i went out and bought a digital test and as i expected it says pregnant
the same thing happened to me so I called the 800 number on the box to ask. They said if there is any line at all it means I'm pregnant.
If you see both lines (a plus), it is positive, Don't overthink it. And get a blood test to be sure :)
A line is a line, no matter how faint. You're probably pregnant. I'd just make an appt with your doc and go in to have a blood test confirm it. What great news for the holidays, congrats!!! A new baby on our board!
I used the same test and got the same result twice. it was a very light positive. so i went to the dr. to confirm and well it was positive.
Don't waste any more money on the home tests. You might be too early or you might not have enough hormone yet, or it's the evaporation soaking up urine.
Go to the doctor since you're going to have to go anyway and get a blood test done there where they can measure the hcg hormone and tell you with certainty if you're pregnant or not. No need to waste money at the store when you can spend it on a copay you'll have to pay later anyway.
I have been told that a negative reading can be wrong and you can actually be pregnant but a positive can not be wrong if you're not. Bottom line? Make a dr. appt. if you have a positive reading because more than likely you are in fact pregnant. :)
Get a digital test and take it first thing in the morning.
I had the same thing happen, i was pregnant, but the digital made it a lot more clear
I can't recall which test I took It was a pink box and that was over 2 years ago. anyway, mine mentioned any level of line (dark vs. light) IS a line and should be seen as such. I am not familiar with a test where a line goes away as you mentioned. One is usually the test line that says it is working, the second line is the indicator of pregnant or not. Therefore, 2 lines usually means pregnancy. Big hugs!