Pregnancy After Miscarriage - Los Angeles,CA

Updated on April 23, 2010
B.S. asks from Los Angeles, CA
9 answers

Could I get pregnant?????

I was 19 weeks pregnant when I went to get an amnio, or, when I decided to get an amnio after receiving my results from the second trimester screening. Before the amnio, we started on the ultrasound. The baby was not doing well. The baby, from what he saw, had trisomy 18. We didn't do the amnio. The baby had stopped growing and I had little to no amniotic fluid. I lost the baby on April 2nd.

I bled for 1 week and a half. I was surprised because doc said I would bleed for about one month. I haven't seen my doctor as she told me to see her in one month, which will be next Friday (4/30). Well, on April 17th, we celebrated my birthday and had "birthday sex" and "non birthday sex". We didn't use any protection, and now, I'm worried. Could I get pregnant?

We did decide that we would try again, but we didn't say when. We didn't talk about protection either during our intimate moments. We have talked about our loss of our baby (girl), and cried....and finally talked about it again without crying, but, somehow, I don't want to talk about it anymore, but, just the thought of being pregnant scares me because I'm afraid of losing another one. YIKES!! I feel like a teenager! I'm in my late 30's...very late 30's! LOL

So, could I get pregnant so soon?

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answers from Phoenix on

You could get pregnant. I just had my 5th baby and I'm 39 years old. Take prenatal vitamins and eat healthy and enjoy every moment. I understand about being fearful. I lost two babies and was fearful about this one since I'm older. Good luck to you!

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answers from Los Angeles on

First of all, I want to tell you how sorry I am about your miscarriage. I had a miscarriage at 12 weeks and I can't imagine how difficult it is at 20 weeks. To answer your question, I don't think you can get pregnant so quickly because it takes some time for your body to start ovulating again, but definitely be careful in months to come. Speak to your doctor about getting pregnant again and see if why she thinks the miscarriage happened. Usually, just because you had one miscarriage it doesn't mean your going to have another one! Wish you the best!

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answers from Los Angeles on

I don't have any first hand knowledge as I've been fortunate in both of my pregnancies, but have heard that after a miscarriage it can be very easy to get pregnant again. It's not something strange to your body, so your body is very willing to accept the change. The best thing would of course be to talk with your dr.

Good luck with your next pregnancy, whenever it should happen!

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answers from Honolulu on

First, I will tell you that I have had 9 miscarriages. (Yes, a lot) and one double (twins) ectopic pregnancy. So I've gone through it a few times. There is a chance. It all depends on your body chemistry. BUT most of the time, it would take more than 2 weeks for your hormones and ovaries to get back into sync. If you have a good doctor, you should be able to call them and tell then that something doesn't feel right and you would like to get a follow up hormone level test. The way you're feeling might not be caused by another pregnancy, but still by the last one. The fluctuating hormone levels could make your emotions go from happy, sad, nervous, anxious, scared, depressed, etc. It's hard. You should call your doctor and ask for an exam and a blood test.

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answers from Los Angeles on

I don't know if you can get pregnant so soon but I can totally relate to your loss. Last year I was pregnant with twins and from the beginning knew that one was not going to survive, we ultmately lost him at 27 weeks. I do have a healthy 11 month old monster, I mean boy :)! I was very fortunate to have gotten one out of the pregnancy. I am currently 7 weeks pregnant and can not seem to get excited about it until I see my perinatologist at week 12. having had a loss, I need confimation that this one will be okay before I open myself up to the thought that I will actually birth this one. It is very tough. We called the one we lost Angel Baby. I hope it all works out for you. It is hard. I too am VERY late 30's...I will be 40 in July. Good luck to you....

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answers from Honolulu on

You could get pregnant, but it would be unlikely. After my miscarriages and my births, I've bled anywhere from 1 week, to 6 weeks. 1 1/2 weeks is within the normal range. It sounds like the doctor wanted to give you long range estimate so that you wouldn't feel like you were bleeding to death if it did last that long. I'm surprised you had sex so quickly since your body is not fully healed yet. Anyway, if you aren't pregnant, wait another month or two before trying again so your body has a chance to finish healing before you start the process again. Good luck! (I"m sorry for your loss, it's always hard to lose a baby).

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answers from Jacksonville on

It can happen. Start taking care of yourself until you see the doctor as if you are pregnant and if you are not, then it would have been just a fun time with your hubby :-))

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answers from Sioux City on

I was in my late, very late, thirties when I had two children stillborn. I got pregnant with the second about a month after the first. We later went on to have our youngest child when I was 42. I will say some prayers all goes well. Take care of yourself.

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answers from Tulsa on

I lost one and 3 months later preg again. he was fine and healthy and is now very boy. and I was in my very late 30s early 40s. it can be done.

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