Potty Training- Obsession with Using the Bathroom.

Updated on January 11, 2010
C.M. asks from Anchorage, AK
12 answers

Hello Moms!! I am hoping for some advice to this potty training issue!

My almost 2 year old daughter has decided she wants to potty train. This began about a week ago and she was doing great. She has now developed an obsession with going to the bathroom, even if she doesnt need to. She will go in, and wants to just go through the motions of using the bathroom, and then start all over again. Sometimes she can be distracted enough that she doesnt continue to want to go constantly, but the minute she is idle that is what she wants to do. Short of spending every waking moment with her keeping her busy together what can I do to break this habit? I dont want to discourage her readiness to use the toilet instead of diapers.

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answers from Portland on

At that age kids are masters of repetition. That is part of the learning process. (Why do you think they can watch that same video over and over without getting bored?) Once she has "mastered" the process in her mind she will only go when she really needs to.

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answers from Portland on

I would be thankful for her always wanting to use the bathroom. I have twin boys that will be 4 in march and I am still struggling with one. If I remember correctly in the beginning once they decided that going potty was cool, we did it all the time. After a few days of trying to help every time, I just started asking if they needed my help and they would tell me no. Actually, I think one of them would put his little hand up and say "momma, you stay here". So thats what I did. Now they just go when they need to. Having them go potty all the time is so much more enjoyable than changing diapers....especially when you have too.

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answers from Seattle on

Enjoy her enthusiasm!!! This too shall pass and she will learn how to judge when she has to go. Provide her opportunities to keep occupied. Crayola has these awesome fingerpaints and marker pens that only color on their paper... give her something like that to play with, to increase her attention span and play periods, then she can develop the awareness of her bodily functions. But don't stop her from heading to the bathroom. Keep her successful, push up/pull up pants with elastic waist bands, no zippers, buttons or snaps that she can't manage herself. Potty chair low and accessible. Books for her to read while she's doing her business. Congratulations!!! this is such a big step and she took it. Celebrate!!

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answers from Portland on

I want to echo the last response about not discouraging her. Let her go as often as she wants to. She will eventually get tired of the extra runs to the bathroom. My question would be your routine. Do you give her your undivided attention every time when she is in the bathroom? If so she may just be trying to get attention. Don't discourage her from going to the bathroom. Just make the routine more of a time when she is independent. Meaning, have her go in there by herself, go potty by herself, then just have her call you when she is finished going potty and only when she has gone potty. If she goes into the bathroom and doesn't go potty have her put her own clothes back on and come out. That way the only time you are in there is after she has actually gone potty to ensure personal hygiene. Then she will figure out that you will only join her if she actually has to go potty. All this means she will have to wear clothes she can manipulate by herself.

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answers from Portland on

Potty training is all about control -- both my kids did this and I just went with it. They really enjoy the power to stop everything to go potty -- after all are you going to tell a newly potty trained kid no they can't go. I just went with it and gradually it subsided. With my older one (now 6yrs old) she re-discovered this about a year ago and is just now getting out of it again. (mostly she used it when going somewhere new first place she head is for the bathroom eventhough most of the time she didn't need to)

Just go with the flow.


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answers from Portland on

Make-believe games are important for young children. It's a primary means of learning. They imitate, as best they can understand, the activities they observe in adults and older kids. Repetition is a primary characteristic of imitation games. And of course, she sees her adored mommy and fascinating older sister use the bathroom several times a day, so it must really be important, right?

Little ones long to help cook, clean house, care for pets or babies, rake the yard, and, if you're lucky, use the toilet and/or wash hands. There is probably little distinction in your daughter's thinking between bathroom make-believe and any other imitation she might engage in.

This is a chance for you gently support her fascination; it will probably pass as soon as she either masters the "game," or discovers she's not yet able to master it.

I would just stay cheerfully matter-of-fact about it, and some other activity will eventually capture her focus. The week or so that she's given to it is far from excessive. If you reported three months, I might have a different set of concerns.

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answers from Seattle on

Sounds like this feels like a game to her because it is so new. She might also like the praise you are no doubt giving her just for trying. Keep encouraging the behavior and hang in there. I'm sure her fascination with the potty will die down as she gets used to the idea of it being part of her normal life. Mine always had to use the potty in every public place we ever went. My daughter had to go potty every time we made it to the meat section of our local Safeway because that's where the potty was located for about 6 months. They all do it. Keep it fun for her... I know it can be a chore for you. It will pass.

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answers from Eugene on

My son was just like this too! He LOVED the potty and trained really young and fast because of this little obsession. We moved books and a stool into the bathroom and I just started reading in there because for about a month he didn't really want to leave--kids are so funny!

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answers from Bellingham on

This is healthy and it's awesome that she is initiating this herself. These are techniques that you would use if you were potty training...sit and read, sit and talk, etc...

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answers from Portland on

I agree with all the other mom's who have said it is a phase that will pass. If it continues for too much longer I would check with the pediatrician just to make sure she doesn't have a UTI.


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answers from Seattle on

This is probably a phase and she will probably live through it. It will help if you can help her go through it faster. Perhaps you can get a chart and she can get a star for when she really goes to the bathroom rather just going through the motion. If she gets ___ number of stars a day for really using the bathroom (you have to check) she gets a special treat (something to eat for dessert or a small inexpensive toy.



answers from Seattle on

I'd be afraid to try and curb some of her enthusiasm...just for fear of curbing her from the bathroom all together. Personally, I would just let her continue what she's doing. She's got interest in the bathroom and it sounds like a good thing, even if she is a little 'happy' about it. :D

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