First of all, you are doing great. Many kids go through this resistant stage with potty training. Nothing is certain to work, but here are some ideas:
Stickers or treasure box - prizes for using the potty
They make little disolvable tablets that turn water one color and when they potty in it, it changes colors again.
Make up a cheer or song for celebrating them using the potty. - my kids loved to see me act silly.
In my experience it was easier to concentrate on popping in the potty first.
If all else fails, (with my youngest it did) put them on the potty every hour or so for five minutes. If they go to the potty, they can get right up. (This sounds kind of gross, but if they won't try to potty have them growl or grunt, make it to be a game of animal sounds or something. They tighten up their abdomen and usually will pee or at least trickle if their bldders are full.)
Hope some of this helps.