Hi there.
We've been practicing Elimination Communication with our daughter since she was 5 months old. We will be going into full blown potty learning very soon. (I'm having some minor surgery this week and am doing it as soon as I'm recovered) She is just 18 months, but definetely ready.
Oh, and Elmination Communication is just merely helping your child maintain their body awareness of when they are 'going'. It's not expecting your infant to use the toilet every time.
Ok... so what I've done and will do but in a much more concerted and diligent effort once we are into full blown potty learning is this :
Your child will have some sort of 'schedule' of when she needs to go pee and poo. I find my daughter has to pee more in the morning. She also typically poos in the afternoon/evening. Spend a day or so and really pay attention to the schedule. Also, look for little clues that she has to go. For us, my daughter gets very still and gets far away look. When she poos she squats and grunts. Very noticable.
Also, think about times when she most likely has to go .... waking up in the morning, before nap, waking up from nap, before bed or maybe 15-20 minutes after she's had something to drink. Put her on the potty then.
Sometimes kids need a little help relaxing and just letting it go. We will sing songs or read a short story... make potty time fun. Typically if your child doesn't go in the first 5-8 minutes, then either they just can't relax enough, or they don't have to go. That's ok. Try again later.
The key is getting that body awareness of THIS is what it feels like when I go pee or poo. Be excited. Ask her often through the day whether she has to go pee or not... or if she just wants to try. If it has been awhile and her diaper is dry ... then encourage her to just try anyway.
I do plan on having a few 'naked' days...where there is no diaper to make it easier. Sure there is a chance that we will have some accidents. But, my plan is to make sure I am really just focused on my daughter that day ... no computer time, cleaning is done, etc.... and we will go to the potty often.
I strongly believe potty should be in the bathroom. 5-8 mintues for each try. If they don't have to go, then you can't force it. That's not what potty learning is about. It's about getting them tuned into that sensation of needing to go and what that feels like and then following the appropriate action.
So...those are my suggestions. Like I said, we've been practicing elmination communication since my daughter was 5 months old. She is definitely ready for full blown potty learning. She can go several hours with a dry diaper, wakes up from naps dry, and will tell me when she has to go toilet. I really don't want her to be confused by having a diaper and using the toilet. I have several other friends who have used this method as well... and their children were completely potty trained around 18-20 months as well.
Listen to your daughter.... watch for her cues .... make it fun. You'll get there. Good luck!