A., I had the same thing happen with my son when he was 2. All the books said boys should be ready to potty train around that time, so of course I tried. He too, at first was interested. But soon when you asked hime, he would say "no" and cover his eyes with his arm. Despite what the books said, he just wasn't ready. No amount of M&Ms or promises of character "big boy pants" helped. His body may have been getting mature enougfh, but emotionally he wasn't. So I quit trying. He was fine with that. Six months later, he was ready. It was even his idea. It was so much better and super easy the 2nd time around. No accidents, no problems, no stress for either of us. Just so you know, he completely trained by 3 (night time and all). He's 23 now and those extra few months in diapers so long ago are no big deal now.