Potty Training - West Jordan,UT

Updated on April 15, 2008
B.C. asks from West Jordan, UT
4 answers

i've been trying to potty train my 4 year old daughter, sometimes she will use the "big girl potty" an other times she refuses to, is there anything i can do that may help her better understand about using the potty?

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answers from Salt Lake City on

My daughter is 4 and is just able to poop in the potty. She holds and has accidents. I have tried rewards and cosequences to no avail. This week I made her wash her underwear.(kinda gross)having tried everything from taking her big girl panties away to acting like it was no big deal. After the washing she has had zero accidents. friends tell me it is her way of getting more of my attention to just plain stubborn-nes. a lil background about my daughter. She has dealt with constipation issues since about 6 mo. old. She was on mirilax for a yr and a half. Now i periodically give her Benefiber. My pediatrician says put her on the potty 15 min. after every meal. Even if she doesnt go... Panty washing did it for me... hopefully.!



answers from Salt Lake City on

my niece had the fastest potty training I've ever heard of. 3.5 years old...no interest in potty training...went to church one day and one of her peers said "you still wear a diaper??" ...she went home, took off her diaper, and was completely potty trained from then on.



answers from Salt Lake City on

I would wait until she shows interest in potty on the big potty. I am not sure if you have your daughter go to daycare or someone watch while you work but you might ask them to help you out in potty training. My son goes to daycare and they were very helpful. I would also ask my son every so often if he needed to go to the bathroom, most of the time he would say no. But I would say to him well let's try anyway and most of the time he would go on the toilet. You might make a sheet with blocks that every time she goes to the potty she can put a sticker on. Give her a little incentives. Good luck it is a long process.



answers from Salt Lake City on

Wait until you can tell she's ready. i.e. .....asks to go, you can tll she's going to go etc...evey child learns in their own time.

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