Hey J.,
First of all, what works for one, doesn't work for all, so try a few things and find out what's best for your boy. I have a 2 year old and he pretty much potty trained himself. This is what I did. After his bath, I let him run around naked for a little while. He would always pee in front of the TV on the rug. One day I grabbed the drawer out of the potty and just put it in front of him. When he started peeing I "caught" the pee in the drawer. I did that about 3 times and then he started going and getting the drawer himself and peeing in it (not the best aim at first).
He has never been a fan of sitting on the potty, but almost every time he has to pee he goes in the bathroom by himself takes off his diaper and pees in the drawer, then comes and tells me he went.
This week I decided I would try to get him to go #2 on the potty. I waited until after lunch when he usually goes and got him naked. I watched him closely so I wouldn't miss it and when he started to look like he was going to go, I hurried and put him on the pot. He went before he knew what was going on. I gave him praise for about 2 hours and the next day he spent the entire day sitting on the pot trying to go #2 again. He put all of his toys on the potty so they could go too.
Whatever you do, don't stress him out and if he makes any attempt to be interested in the potty give him praise up one side and down the other.
Good Luck!!