Hi C.,
I gave my son (who turned 3 in November) "pee-pee stars" when he would go on the potty. I had the chart on the fridge so he could see it. First I used a little potty in the bathroom, which he still uses sometimes. He got really excited about going to the bathroom because I made such a HUGE deal about it. I would cheer very loud, clap my hands, give him huge hugs. and we did the (this will sound weird) the "pee-pee on the potty dance". I told everyone HOW GREAT IT WAS in front of him. Then he got eager and wanted to put the stars on by himself, and he was very proud of himself. ***Going poop on the potty came much later than peeing! Ask him CONSTANTLY if he needs to go (esp. as soon as he wakes up). and if he gets to the potty as he is peeing, congradulat him anyway, even if he missed it by a matter of seconds. At least your child will recognize when it is 'Time', you know? My son is 3 and still needs a pull-up during naps and sleeping through the night, so don't worry! Take baby steps, and get him really into going pee on the potty during the day first. Get him so excited about doing it. This worked for my son. And from what I understand, boys are easier than girls. Lucky us! What also worked, was keeping a diaper off of him and letting him pee his pants a couple of times. I know this sounds bad, but TRUST ME when he realizes he went to the bathroom in his pants, he will want to go on the potty next time. Dont get mad when this happens, just let him know that it is ok, but next time let you know so you can make it to the potty. This happened about three times with my son (at your son's exact age) before he told me before he went, and made it to the toilet. If he is around running water (or washing his hands) it might trigger it. In the mornings when I was first potty training him, i would sit him on the potty and run the tap. It works. If he hasn't gone in awhile, put him on the potty and run the water. If he goes in the potty- make a big deal out of it. This might get you on the roll...I hope all of this helps. Good luck! C.