You need to decide if you want to start your own family 'tradition' for your own family, meaning your Hubby, and your kids. Then that becomes the "tradition" and priority.
Then there is the annual "taking turns" round robin kind of thing, where you alternate who's home you will be attending for Thanksgiving meals.
Then there is the "who do you have to please" "obligations." Or the "who do you REALLY want to have Thanksgiving with...." kind of thing. Then there is the Hubby's opinions....
Have you talked it over with your Husband? This is where to start.
You cannot sanely and rationally run around frantically to EVERYONE"S home for Thanksgiving... nor, reasonably feed/buy food for/ and entertain 30+ people if you "become" the host by yourself.
So, you need to think what is YOUR & Hubby's priority????
Or, you can have a small gathering whereby you all eat out for Thanksgiving, and at a restaurant in your budget.... and EACH PERSON can pay for their share. THIS is fair. Then it does not run one person broke....but you get to share a meal together. Some of my friends do this.
Or, you have a "pre-Thanksgiving" meal at your house (on a day prior to Thanksgiving)... for a select few... an intimate group... thereby it is more budget friendly and all can fit in your home. PLUS you have a 3 month old... who is probably nursing and has to nap.... and have diaper changes and will cry. SO, having a "small" gathering at your home can be "convenient" in this respect... with your baby in mind.
ALSO, since your baby is 3 months old, maybe 4 months old by Thanksgiving... you really should think twice about exposing him to Large crowds of people/the noise/the smells/the colds or germs.... at this time of year, THIS is when the Flu season starts AND when the cold season starts and viruses abound. SO, I would think about this very important aspect as well... the health and comfort for your baby.
Main thing is, you cannot "please" everybody, or everybody's whim or "expectations" etc. As a family, now with children, you have to think about what YOU/HUBBY feel is best... YOUR own "traditions." This is what will form your family and it's special memories....
Just my opinion and thoughts, all the best,