Many kids do this! It could be craving attention, being bored in his crib - or it could just be that she's found something interesting and new to get into.
I would say that it is definitely time to begin potty training - the longer you wait, the harder it's going to be. I know many moms who start potty training as early as 3-6 months by placing their babies on the potty & having positive reactions if they poop or pee in the potty - after a few times, they'll usually show now interest if they don't have to use the bathroom, and try to crawl off. I find the easiest time to start this is in the mornings because my daughter always pees when she wakes up - so, instead of wasting a diaper, I just stick her on the potty for a few minutes, play with some toys...etc. Then just put her diaper back on if she doesn't go. Sitting her in the bathroom with me while I use the bathroom is also helpful. Placing on the potty this early gets them used to going in the potty, teaches them that it is a good thing, and then they don't think that going in their diaper is the only "normal" thing to do - this makes the transition much easier when they're able to actually communicate that they need to use the bathroom - and many are already potty trained by 1yr-18mnths.